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Manuscripts (1)
1Author:  Boas, Franz, 1858-1942
 Anthropologist. Assistant, Royal Ethnographic Museum, Berlin, 1885-1886; privat-dozent, University of Berlin, 1885-1886; docent, Clark University, 1889-1892; assistant, department of anthropology, Columbian Exposition, 1892-1894; assistant curator, American Museum of Natural History, 1895-1900, curator, 1900-1905; lecturer, anthropology, Columbia Univeristy, 1896-1899, professor, 1899-1936, emeritus professor, 1936-1942. Boas was interested in a broad spectrum of cultural and physical studies and was a central figure in American anthropology from the early 1900s until his death in 1942. His students include (among others): Alfred Kroeber, Robert Lowie, Melville Herskovits, Edward Sapir, Margaret Mead, Ruth Benedict, Alexander Goldenweiser, Paul Radin, M. F. Ashley Montagu, Frank Speck, and Elsie Clews Parsons. 

 Title:  Boas-Rukeyser Collection     
 Type:  Collection 
 Format:  Manuscripts 
 Language:  English 
 Dates:  1869-1940 
 Extent:  5 boxes (3 linear feet) 
 Abstract:  Boas biographical materials. Material collected by Muriel Rukeyser in the 1940s and 1950s, for her proposed biography of Franz Boas. Included are letters to and from Boas, biographical material, various school records, and reminiscences of him by family members. The correspondence includes both family and professional correspondence. There are notes by Rukeyser, correspondence with publishers, news clippings related to Boas, and publications dealing with him. 
 Source:  Boas-Rukeyser Collection (B B61ru) 
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 Subjects:  Social uses and context of anthropology and archaeology | Cultural description and analysis, social organization and structure, ceremonial behavior, material culture | Disciplinary professionalization, professional societies, education, employment | Anthropological and archaeological fieldwork | Folklore, mythology, religion | Linguistics and philology | Physical studies -- Physical anthropology, medical anthropology, anthropometrics, craniology, race, human evolution | Financial support for research and publication | Personal matters